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Winning at Wellness

Here’s how we STAY WELL and support our bodies when they need some extra love.

These suggestions are for adults. For children, follow proper dilution and safety guidelines. You are the keeper of your health and body. If you decide to use less, great! If you want to use more, great! Adjust recipes as needed. If you need to add more carrier oil, add more carrier oil. We use these tricks as often as we need them. That may mean once a day or 10 times a day.

Thieves is your first line of defense and offense. If you’re not sick, you can dilute 1:4 and put on the bottom of your feet twice a day to boost immunity. If you aren’t feeling your best, do the feet as above but do it every couple of hours and diffuse at least three times a day. Adults can put 1 drop inside cheeks and under tongue every few hours. You can also put a drop in some honey and swallow.

•Thieves Tea (amazing for immunity and soothes throats):
1 drop Thieves + 2 drops Lemon + 1tsp honey + hot water or hot herbal tea ☕️

Lavender is great for noses – rub it neat (undiluted) on the bridge of your nose and the bottom of your toes (reflex points for sinus areas). For a runny nose, rub under nostrils.

Rub Purification (can also add lemon if you won’t be in the sun) 1:1 on your neck to help with drainage and to soothe throats. Also great for ears – put a little on a cotton ball and rub around outside of ear. You can rest the cotton ball outside of ear while sleeping for added impact. Never put oils directly in your ears!

Peppermint is great for loosening up gunk and when you’re feeling hot. Dilute 1:4 and rub over sinuses and chest. For feeling hot, dilute by about half and you can put on back of neck, down spine, and armpits, behind knees, around navel, and on soles of feet. Continue to repeat every 15 to 30 minutes or so until you’re cool.

Peace & Calming
This can be rubbed on the chest or diffused to help with respiratory support. If you have RC oil, that is better. Use it the same way. Dilute oil according to ratio on the bottle.

Lemon can also be diffused to help a noisy night. Put a drop or two in water and drink several times a day for an immunity boost. This can also be used diluted 1:1 behind ears and down jawline to lymph nodes to help with drainage.

This is great for body aches and pains. Dilute 1:4 and rub on painful areas. Top it off with Peppermint and Copaiba for added impact.

Can be used to support any tummy issue. Rub diluted on entire belly area. We also like it in a veggie capsule topped with carrier oil.

RC (or Raven or Breathe Again)
Great to support quiet nights and those who love to breathe! We rub it on our chests 1:1 and diffuse.

Also great for respiratory and overall immune support. We take a drop (or more) under the tongue or in Ningxia daily. Longevity capsules have Frank in them so there’s an easy way to get some, too!

Exodus II
Like Thieves x 10000. This is the big guns. Have this in your wellness cabinet for sure. Apply diluted to feet or diffuse one drop with Thieves and Lemon.

Ningxia Red
All. The Ningxia. You. Need. For adults and kids. Drink up – it’s delicious.

Healthy Keeper Capsules
3 drops Thieves, 3 drops Lemon, 3 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Oregano, 3 drops Copaiba in a veggie capsule topped with carrier oil. Olive oil or coconut oil is what we use. You can adjust this as needed. Start with 1 drop each, or use more. You’re the boss.

Inner Defense Capsules
Too lazy to make your own? Take Inner Defense capsules from YL. We take one everyday and a few a day when we need extra support.

Super C
We take tons of Super C when we need support. We like the chewables best!

Kid’s Mighty Pro pre/probiotic pouches – 8 billion cultures in a delish wolfberry punch powder that tastes like a pixie stick. Immune heath starts in the gut!

MightyVites – Kids’ plant-based multivitamin

Non YL –
Thorne Research vitamin D3/K2 drops
Homemade elderberry syrup – daily when something is brewing or systems aren’t 100%

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